The EMBA (Executive MBA) Programme at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is the first programme of its kind offered in Hong Kong. The programme, initially offered by CUHK Business School in 1993, is a two-year part-time programme that is unique in its approach to graduate business education in Hong Kong.
International Accreditation
CUHK Business School is currently accredited by the US-based Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International) and the London-based Association of MBAs (AMBA). AACSB International and AMBA are both internationally leading authorities in business education.
The EMBA programme was established with the objective of developing in our participants the essential skills and knowledge for modern management, and preparing them for general management responsibilities at the senior executive level. In light of rising corporate and managerial complexity and new challenges facing senior executives, the programme aims to improve participants’ analytical and decision-making capabilities, and enhance the competitive advantages of their enterprises. Relevance will be emphasised in the context of Hong Kong’s strategic location within China
and the Asia-Pacific region.
Programme of Study
The EMBA programme of study reflects our commitment to relevance and excellence by focusing on strategy and the integrative nature of the business environment in which senior executives operate. Participants are expected to retain their full-time job responsibilities throughout their EMBA study.
Two years of study are required – each consisting of four terms. The first-year programme provides a solid foundation in all major business functions and an introduction to the various changing business environments. The second-year programme uses a functionally integrative approach that emphasises broad-based strategies and policies.

Schedule and Venue
Participants being admitted in 2023-24 will attend classes from 8:45 am to 7:00 pm on Saturday and Sunday (two consecutive days) normally once every two to three weeks at the CUHK Business School Town Centre at Unit B, 1/F, Bank of America Tower in Central. The residence week study programme in the first year is conducted in a local hotel. The 2023-24 academic year will last from mid/late August in 2023 through late July in 2024.
Method of Instruction
The EMBA method of instruction consistently takes advantage of the strong and diverse management experience of the participants. The methods of instruction vary, but may include formal lectures, seminars, case analyses, simulation games, and
individual and group projects related to current management issues in the participants’ host organisations.
To enhance the educational value of the programme, participants are expected to contribute to small and large group activities within a highly interactive learning environment. Study groups are formed with participants from varied backgrounds and experience levels. Here, effective communication and teamwork skills are practised with the aim of achieving our EMBA objective.
All core courses are conducted in English while a few electives are conducted in Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin).
Grading System

Graduation Requirements
Participants must attain a cumulative grade-point average of at least 2.50 to graduate. Participants receiving a grade D+ or below in any course are required to repeat that course or an approved substitute course. The grade point average of a participant’s course work shall be computed by dividing the total weighted converted points for courses taken by the total number of units attempted inclusive of courses failed.
The degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA) will be conferred by The Chinese University of Hong Kong to students who have satisfactorily
completed the programme of study as prescribed for the degree under the EMBA curriculum, which normally takes eight terms of part-time study. Most courses in the programme carry 3 units while some carry 1.5 units each towards the MBA graduation requirement of 48 units.
Honesty in Academic Work
The Chinese University of Hong Kong places very high importance on honesty in academic work submitted by students, and adopts a policy of zero tolerance on cheating and plagiarism. Any related offence will lead to disciplinary action including
termination of studies at the University. All student assignments should be submitted via VeriGuide (維誠) – the Chinese University Plagiarism Detection Engine. Participants are strongly advised to study the rules and regulations posted on the
following website: www.cuhk.edu.hk/policy/academichonesty