CUHK EMBA offers a comprehensive and dynamic curriculum that is designed to meet the ever-evolving needs of today’s business world and its executive participants. The curriculum is regularly reviewed and updated to ensure that it remains relevant, innovative, and cutting-edge. Recent updates to the curriculum have included courses on digital transformation, AI for business, impact investing and technology fundraising.
1st Year of Study – Core Courses
Participants are required to attend the following 7 core courses to receive all-round areas of executive business education:
This course is the prerequisite of all EMBA courses. It provides a business and management view of the modern corporation. The management aspect of the course considers the changing competitive world, the role of corporations in world development, the values of top management, and the vision needed to plan, organise, lead, and control corporate activities. The business aspect of the course integrates the business functions of the corporation such as marketing, finance, human resources, and production in order to accomplish the corporation’s goals.
EMBA 5011 / 3-Unit
This course is designed to illustrate how to devise a good market plan comprising segmentation, positioning and targeting to achieve consumer satisfaction. Emphasis is placed on adopting the basic marketing concept to enhance a firm’s long-run market position via the creation of a differential advantage while meeting consumer desires at the same time. Another emphasis of this course is to explain how a firm can excel in the ever-changing market and competitive environment.
MKTG 5011 / 3-unit
The course begins by constructing a simplified model of the macro economy. This is intended to help organise your discussion of issues confronting an economy. Every opportunity is taken to reinforce the economic concepts with current data, particularly for the U.S. and China. We then proceed to examine the policy instruments used to steer an economy towards the objectives of sustainable growth, stable inflation and low unemployment. Broadly speaking, these policy tools are monetary policy, implemented by a country’s central bank, and fiscal policy implemented by the government when it makes expenditure and taxation decisions. We extend our exposition of traditional monetary policy to explain the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing, as well as the essential factors contributing to the financial crisis which necessitated this unconventional monetary policy. We then move onto the interactions between economies as captured in their respective balance of payment accounts and exchange rate movements. Fluctuations in China’s RMB will be closely analysed at this point and open the door for an in-depth look into China’s domestic imbalances. We also examine Hong Kong’s unique currency board system under-pinning our linked exchange rate.
DSME 5011 / 3-Unit
The primary objective of the course is to provide participants with a solid conceptual and practical understanding of financial and managerial accounting. Emphasis is placed on understanding the content and principles underlying financial statements and cost, volume and profit analysis. From this a sound foundation is built on which participants can make more informed business judgments and decisions.
ACCT 5511 / 3-Unit
The major objective of this course is to provide participants with real life examples of the application of quantitative methods, such as business statistics and operations research, to help business executives solve problems in competitive business environments.
ACCT 5511 / 3-Unit
This course offers a framework for analysing a firm’s major financial decision choices. Pertinent decision areas include assessment of the following: capital budgeting, investment selection and appraisal, risk analysis, financial planning, dividend policy, cash and working capital management, external fund raising and determination of corporate leverage.
FINA 5015 / 3-Unit
This is a capstone course that aims to equip executives a strategic mindset and thinking about how to enhance and sustain firm competitiveness in the face of uncertainty and complexity. The focus will be on identifying the key drivers of persistent superior performance in different settings such that winning strategies can be crafted. Key topics to be discussed include strategic analysis, formulation of winning business and corporate strategies, strategy implementation, strategy evaluation and control, and strategy turnaround from external competitive dynamics and internal organisational dynamics. This course is conducted in an interactive and seminar style, with the use of a substantial amount of real-life cases.
MGNT 6171 / 3-Unit
2nd Year of Study – Elective Courses
Participants are normally required to complete 27 units of elective courses for fulfilment of graduation requirement. The list of elective courses selection offered every year is carefully reviewed to equip participants with the most updated skills and knowledge they need to succeed in today’s fast-paced and complex business environment.
These are the sample of elective courses offered in the past years:
EMBA6062 Selected Topics in Business and Management / 3-Unit
This course immerses participants in the concepts of “Hidden Champions” and “Industry 4.0” through lectures, talks and site visits through an intensive study week in Berlin, Germany. The study trip enables participants to understand the competitive advantages of “Hidden Champions” and the key success factors of operating Industry 4.0 production facilities, with the aim of adapting this knowledge to drive transformation in their own companies and develop sustainable core business models.
This study trip to University of Cambridge, UK enables participants to learn more about UK’s success on leadership and develop their own effective leadership. It is partnered with the world-class University of Cambridge to conduct an UK study trip which is an integral part of this course. Senior faculty at University of Cambridge will conduct a series of business seminars.
This course, which involves a study trip in Singapore, provides participants with a comprehensive understanding of green technology, including climate change, sustainability investments, decarbonization technology, and entrepreneurial solutions, with a focus on practical knowledge and examples from the environmental industry in Singapore.
Participants on this course will develop a valuable set of core consulting skills and a rich appreciation of modern management consulting. Consulting skills are valuable for both prospective management consultants and senior executives, and will enhance the effectiveness for those who expect to engage and work with management consultants during their career.
This course aims to equip participants with sophisticated and versatile communication skills to effectively convey complex corporate objectives, motivate teams, adapt to diverse audiences, and navigate the multicultural dynamics of the APEC region.
EMBA 6064 Current Practices for Business Success / 1.5-Unit
This course aims to equip participants with sophisticated and versatile communication skills to effectively convey complex corporate objectives, motivate teams, adapt to diverse audiences, and navigate the multicultural dynamics of the APEC region.
This course explores the current trend of responsible and impact investing, examining its influence on firms and society, and addressing the challenges faced by the financial industry, with the goal of helping participants understand ESG, describe asset management trends, identify the impact investing’s role in sustainability, and explain the relationship between ESG, impact investing, and firms’ performance.
This course examines the relationships between I Ching and leadership. Discussion topics include analysis of the hexagrams, Tai Chi, Yin-Yang, the Five Elements, thinking methodologies, divination and leadership wisdom.
This course is conducted in Cantonese.
This course focuses on developing practical coaching skills and their application in facilitating organizational changes, utilizing a FACT coaching model, with the objective of enabling students to engage in effective coaching conversations to enhance their leadership capabilities.
This course addresses the latest various salient underpinnings embedded in the fields of leadership, strategy and management. Some relevant topics such as, leadership, business ethics, corporate governance, cultural impacts, the ecological perspective, and Eastern and Western management thoughts would be incorporated in this seminar course.
EMBA 6063 Contemporary Perspectives of Effective Management / 1.5-Unit
This course focuses on critical fundraising issues faced by early-stage ventures, particularly those with innovative technology, providing students with a thorough understanding of financing strategies, investment criteria of Asian investors, and fundraising skills necessary for the development and feasibility of technology ventures, while allowing them to observe interactions between fundraising teams and venture investors through real-world examples.
This interdisciplinary course applies behavioral economics concepts to problem-solving, exploring decision-making processes, biases, and their impact on individuals, markets, and societies, with the goal of guiding better solution design and helping participants develop analytical and problem-solving capabilities to apply theoretical knowledge in management for solving business problems.
This course introduces current research and thought on the negotiation process, and provides opportunities for course participants to apply the concepts and skills in simulations of actual negotiations. Strategic lessons are learned from different actual cases. The objective is to enable course participants to appreciate the art and science of negotiation, to understand how to resolve conflicts and derive the most out of bargaining.
MKTG 6021 Business Negotiation / 3-Unit
This course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the law’s role in business, covering topics such as the Hong Kong legal system, dispute resolution, business vehicles, contract law, employment law, equity and trusts law, and criminal law, enabling participants to navigate and leverage the law for their commercial relationships and gain insights into its impact on economic activity.
ACCT5551 Business Law / 3-Unit
This course aims to empower participants to leverage on innovation and technology to create values to their companies, customers and key stakeholders. Participants will also learn how to make challenging decisions in a corporate innovation and entrepreneurial environment.
EMBA 6061 Seminar on Business and Management Issues / 3-Unit
The objective of this course is to examine the problems and procedures of investment management, types of investment risks, and investment problems of the individual as well as the corporation. The performance and behaviour of the following financial assets are investigated: stocks, bonds, foreign exchange, financial futures options, and warrants. The floating interest rate, the interest rate swap, and the currency swap are also examined.
FINA 6081 Investments / 3-Unit