
Greater China Study Week Programme

To widen students’ perspective in Greater China, the programme partnered with the EMBA Programmes of Peking University and the National Taiwan University to conduct the “Greater China EMBA Elite Study Week,” which was the first of its kind worldwide. The three universities are taking turns to host a study week in their home regions. The programme strategically provided a platform for the three groups of EMBA participants in Greater China to interact and develop friendships.

Video Highlights – Greater China Study Week Programme

Watch video highlights of our other previous global study trips HERE

Last year, the Peking University hosted the study week in Beijing, with the theme of “China’s Economy and Enterprise Development.” This year in May, the CUHK EMBA programme hosted the study week in HK, with the theme of “FinTech and Smart Hong Kong.” Seminars on relevant topics were conducted. There was also a visit to the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX). Mr. James Lau, JP, Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Hong Kong (香港財經事務及庫務局局長劉怡翔太平紳士) delivered an insightful speech and interacted with participants on a wide range of financial, management and strategic development issues.