
Keith Chow 周兆基

Senior Vice President, Head of Cash Trading Systems
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd.
(EMBA Class of 2018)

I have worked in IT since my college graduation. As I moved into IT management, I became involved in discussions of business and regulatory matters. This inspired me to learn more outside IT and I became very keen to acquire knowledge on law, business strategies, accounting, financial management, and so forth. I also knew senior managers’ leadership style and management skills would matter a lot. I therefore decided to pursue an EMBA.

The CUHK’s EMBA programme provides insights into the various skills required of senior managers and other leaders, with a good balance between Eastern and Western culture. It also gives us excellent opportunities to share our knowledge and experience with others. In addition to this fruitful academic interaction, I have built up invaluable lifelong friendships with my classmates.

In summary, the combination of renowned professors and talented participants in the EMBA programme has given me new perspectives that have broadened my view, given me a global outlook and helped me prepare for further career development.